Welsh Care Home Residents Quarantine in Style with Game of Giant Hungry Hippos

Residents and staff at the Bryn Celyn Care Home cheered up the nation last week amidst the Coronavirus lockdown, proving that being inside doesn’t necessarily equal boredom.

The residents, who are as young as – 80 and as old as 102 – remained in their wheelchairs while the care home staff pushed them into the middle of circle where they tried to gobble up as many multicoloured balls as possible.

Despite being at greater risk compared to most of us, these residents weren’t about to let the Coronavirus blues get to them. As as General manager of Bryn Celyn, Michelle Williams, is keen to remind us, they’re not oblivious to what’s going on outside their care home.

“We just did it to cheer them up,” she said. “We try to be as positive as we can – we don’t want to walk around all doom and gloom. There’s enough doom and gloom out there. We’re just trying to keep things as normal and have fun, keep smiling and make sure our residents have fun and are safe. They know what’s going out there.”

Have you and your family been playing any inventive games? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter. And if you’re in need or any help or advice, we’ve set up a general COVID-19 page with information. And there are pages on health and wellbeing, shopping and finances too.