
Online training

Our VLE is a unique and secure learning platform powered by Moodle. It is an interactive on line learning tool and allows us to deliver flexible learning options. 

The Benefits to Learners:

  • You can access learning activities at a time and at a pace that suits your lifestyle
  • We offer online feedback and support for the learner on some of our longer courses
  • You can access support forums and educational discussion groups

Independent Advocacy Qualifications


Carers Federation became an approved centre with City & Guilds in January 2010 to deliver the training and assessment candidates require in order to become qualified independent advocates. We are now one of the main providers of the qualification in England & Wales having supported hundreds of individuals through to becoming fully qualified. We are specialist independent advocacy trainers and are key partners of City & Guilds in the development of the Level 4 in Independent Advocacy Practice.


As independent advocates, you serve as a voice for older people, young people, individuals with mental capacity issues, people with mental health concerns or anyone needing support to empower them to make their own choices and have their needs respected.

The Level 4 qualification in Independent Advocacy Practice is a nationally recognized certification that allows independent advocates to formally validate these skills. The qualification was first introduced in the advocacy sector in March 2009 as part of an initiative to enhance standards and ensure consistency across independent advocacy services.

Developed by City & Guilds in collaboration with the Department of Health, this qualification is designed to:

  • Help independent advocates learn how to represent an individual’s interests and support them in interacting with other individuals, organisations, and agencies
  • Reflect best practices within independent advocacy
  • Provide commissioners of independent advocacy services with a quality benchmark to improve the tendering process

Updated and revised in December 2020, the qualification enables independent advocates to learn, develop, and practice the skills required in their field.


We welcome the opportunity to discuss the qualification and your requirements with any individual or organisation interested in undertaking the training and assessment through City & Guilds at our centre.

Please contact us via email at


Our Level 4 independent advocacy courses are aimed at practising independent advocates. It is a vocational qualification that requires candidates to produce evidence of their understanding of independent advocacy, and practice evidence showing their competence.

You will achieve the Level 4 qualification by successfully completing three mandatory units and one specialist optional unit.

The three mandatory units now provide a broad base of knowledge and practice, with study and assessment across various forms of statutory and non-statutory advocacy.

The optional units cover the roles of IMHA, IMCA, Care Act, NHS Complaints, Children & Young People and Community Advocates. This requires candidates to have cases with clients in whichever optional unit they choose.

Independent Advocacy Qualification Costs & Discounts

Level 4: 3 Mandatory units (401-403) & 1 optional unit – £1,295
We have options to pay for these courses in instalments, please contact for more information.
Level 4: 1 Optional Units £750-£850 (depending on previous qualification status):
We offer all the specialist optional units in the Level 4 independent advocacy qualification. This includes:

• Independent mental capacity advocacy
• Independent mental health advocacy
• Independent advocacy within adult social care
• Independent advocacy with children and young people
• Independent complaints advocacy
• Community advocacy

What your fee includes: 

The fee for all options includes the cost of registration and certification with City & Guilds (except where noted) workplace assessor visits, course materials and remote assessment. There is no VAT to pay on our prices.

Course cancellation:  

Please note that we reserve the right to cancel any course with no less than 10 working days’ notice, without liability for any consequential or indirect loss. In this case, we will let you know in writing (by letter or by email) and offer to cancel or transfer your booking with no charge.

Please contact us at for our terms and conditions.

Click here to contact us for more information

Quality Standard in Carers Support

Both young and adult carers can be affected by the impact of juggling their caring role with other responsibilities such as employment and education.  The practical and emotional implications of a caring role can be both stressful and demanding, the reality for many carers is that they may neglect their own needs.  Some carers; experience poor health, may disengage from education or leave employment.

The Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support has been developed by carers to provide accreditation and training for organisations.  The QSCS will help to raise awareness, remove some of the barriers for carers, develop appropriate policies and procedures and improve access to support. The QSCS demonstrates good practice in supporting carers in the wider community.

Click here for more information on our Quality Standard in Carers Support