The Care Act 2014 – What it means for you as an Unpaid Carer

The Care Act 2014 came into force on April 1st 2015.  The Act for the first time gives carers the legal right to recognition and entitlement to support in their own right.

Local Authorities now have a responsibility to, “assess a carers needs for support where the carer appears to have such needs,” this now applies not just to carers who provide a substantive amount of care on a regular basis.

The Statutory Carers Assessment will assess what the carers needs may be and whether this will entitle the carer to support for their own needs.  This would enable carers to look at the things they want to achieve in their own life, such as work or study and also look at whether the carer is able or willing to keep on caring.

The Statutory Carers Assessment for Nottingham City Carers will be carried out by the local authority where the cared for is entitled and agreed to support from Adult Social and Health services.  Where the cared for is not entitled to or does not want local authority support the Statutory Carers Assessment will be carried out by the Carers Federation Carers First service.

Once the Statutory Carers Assessment has been carried out the local authority will determine whether the carer will be eligible for services.  This will be dependent on certain criteria such as:

  • Are the carers needs the result of providing ‘necessary care’
  • Are the effects such that the carers mental or physical health at risk and/or they cannot maintain certain outcomes such as additional caring responsibilities for others
  • Does the caring role have a detrimental impact on the wellbeing of the carer

The carer would only be eligible for services if all three conditions are met.

The Care Act 2014 also states that local authorities must provide all carers, even those not eligible for services in their own right, with information and advice in regards to:

  • How to access care, support and services that can prevent or delay a carers needs increasing
  • What services or and providers they can choose from
  • Where to get independent financial advice
  • Information about Safeguarding and who to contact if you have concerns about a vulnerable person being at risk of harm or neglect.

For more information about Carers Assessments and the Care Act 2014 you can download this fact sheet from Carersuk.

If you are a carer and think yourself eligible for an assessment contact Carers First on 0115 9629369