Nottinghamshire County Council SEND Local Offer

Nottinghamshire County Councils SEND Local Offer to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities brings together information about services and provisions for children and young people, such as Things To Do to Health and Social CareTo find out what is avavilable across Nottinghamshire visit  or for more information about the SEND Local Offer email: or Call Simon Ray on 0115 977 2742  download the  SEND Local Offer leaflet

Nottinghamshire County Council have replaced Statements of Special Educational Needs with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC) to support children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  Most children and young people with SEND will have their support needs met through the Local Offer, those families who have requested a statutory assessment have been offered the opportunity to be considered for an EHC Plan through a personalised pathway.
For more information you can call the EHC Plan Co-ordinators on 0115 977 3779 or contact the Parent Partnership Service on 0115 948 2888.
An animation Video explaining the Education, Health and Care Plans Pathway can be viewed at  you can also download the
EHC Plan Pathway PDF

There are many policy changes approaching that will affect the lives of young people with SEN, disabled young people and their families. The two peices of legislation that will have the greatest impact on support for disabled young people preparing for adulthood are The Children and Families Act 2014 and the Care Act.  Download the factsheet for more information Care Act and CFA Factsheet