Action for Young Carers Team deliver meals to Young Carer Families

With lockdown restrictions ongoing, many in our communities are struggling to get basic supplies. That’s why our Action for Young Carers team spent a busy afternoon yesterday delivering 45 hot, freshly prepared meals to some of the Young Carers and Nottingham Works Families we are supporting.

But we couldn’t have done it without our excellent community partners. Big shout out to Sewa Day (twitter: @sewaday) for providing the ingredients and thanks to Larwood and Voce (twitter: @LarwoodVocePK) for cooking it all up for us. We would also like to thank Hetvi (twitter: @hetvi_sw) for coordinating our efforts.

Social distancing measures were strictly adhered to and we think they all look rather fetching in their masks, don’t you?

AYC deliver food to Young Carers

Fashion statements aside, AYC want to let you know that they are still offering support to Young Carers and their families. For more information, please see our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and website

If you are a young person living in Nottingham City wondering if you are a young carer, take our short questionnaire here:

The AYC team and community partners will be delivering more food again next week.