Whatton Prison
In 2014 Carers Federation successfully tendered to deliver the NOMS National Social Care Advocacy Pilot working in HMP Whatton and HMP Nottingham to explore different social care advocacy models and evidence their strengths, suitability and outcomes. This work highlighted the level, nature and impact of social care need within the prison environment and the opportunities for system improvement. Since 2014 we have worked in partnership with HMP Whatton to continue to deliver this peer led programme recruiting, training and supporting prisoners to provide low level social care to their peers, for example; collecting meals, wheelchair pushing and providing general support and encouragement.
Working in partnership with prison, health and social care leads is fundamental to the safe and effective delivery of this programme. We have built productive, effective and trusted relationships with Social Care Advocate’s, prison staff including Prison Psychology, Offender Management Unit, PPU, Mental Health, Activities, Security and Key Workers and staff across Prison Health and Local Authority Social Care has enabled clearer pathways for information sharing, communication and reporting.